Climate change in 18 tweets!

The latest IPCC report on climate change represents our most up to date understanding of the Earth’s climate, it’s changing behaviour and projections for the future.

CGS scientist Professor Piers Forster, one of the lead authors of the new synthesis report, has summarised the summary in just 18 tweets.

Map of what each country has promised at the climate summit

World leaders gathered yesterday for a crucial United Nations meeting to encourage 120 member states to sign up to a new comprehensive global climate agreement in Paris next year.

The last such meeting in 2009 ended with no concrete results. However the meeting yesterday was hailed by the United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, saying “never before have so many leaders gathered to commit to action on climate change”.

The interactive map below shows what each country has promised (source:

Note. This is not an exhaustive list of initiatives might be updated.


More information:


Adapting to a Changing Climate in South Africa

This short film captures the key messages and debates emerging from the first Southern Africa Adaptation Colloquium, held in November 2013.

The film was produced to make available the discussions to audiences that weren’t able to attend the Colloquium — particularly people working with local government in African cities.